Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning

End of Year Exhaustion

Well…  I made it… JUST… to the end of the school year…

2013 has been yet another busy and satisfying year. However my question is how do you avoid the end of year exhaustion?   I know I should sleep more and probably not cram so much in…  Would love to hear how others avoid the exhaustion or have some recommendations on how to minimise it!


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Foundations of Teaching for Learning…

I recently started a Coursera course entitled Foundations of Teaching for Learning.  I have to admit that I signed up because I was interested in unit 3, 6 and 8 of the course (I’ve only just started unit 2) and felt that I’d struggle with those units if I didn’t complete the other 5.  I have finished unit 1 and was pleasantly surprised.  While the course presents itself as a an introductory course to teaching (i.e. you have never taught before) I found that I still learnt a lot.

Gold key

The key was “for learning”.  This isn’t a course about teaching.  It’s a course about learning and how to teach for learners.


Some of the “keys” I took away….

  • Students learn through different contexts allowing them to be individuals and as a teacher I need to differentiate more to cater for this
  • I need to incorporate more social, contextual learning
  • Teachers need to use social, contextual learning for their own PD
  • If you nurture teachers you nurture students
  • Understanding the concept of nested contexts (school is a context within a students life context)
  • Me, You, Space, Time learning
  • To be a teacher is just as important as being a teacher
  • Make thinking visible
  • Asking students and yourself “what did I learn in school today?”
  • Learning to read the room
  • The purpose of assessment

I look forward to the Key learnings from unit 2 to 8….

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Game On!

Gamification  is an interesting concept that if implemented well can chanage the way your classroom works.  Below is the resources I have put together for my presentation at #ELHst13.

At a time when we are all trying to provide individualized and differentiated courses for our students finding ways to engage and give our students choices about their learning can be difficult.  Gamification is a great way to offer choices.  This session will focus on the who, what, when, where and how of Gamification in the classroom.  Software, options, set up and how to find the resources you need to get started.  The session will set context, work through examples and start you on your own design process for how you could implement gamification in your classroom, past just gamifying classroom management.  Come and try your hand at gamifying your next unit or lesson.



Game On

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7



School is a Game… So What are the Rules? (Part 1 Research)

School is a Game… And the Rules have Changed… (Part 2 Action)

Gamified World (Part 3 Research)

Coursera Gamification Course

Class Dojo

Image Maps

Dreamweaver CS5

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One Device, Two Devices, Three Devices, More!

Managing Multiple devices is not an easy process and on last count I have a crazy 6 mobile devices (iPad 1, iPad 2, iConia A700, iConia A500, Nexus 7 and an iPhone) I use them all every day because they all have a different purpose for me.

So how do I manage them. I choose apps that are cross platform.  Below is the resources I have put together for my presentation at #ELHst13.

The number of devices we all carry on us is on the increase.  Our students and teachers are using phones, tablets, notebooks, and laptops throughout the day.  Whether you are an Apple Fanboi or an Android Junkie managing all your devices can be challenging or for some mind boggling.  This session will focus on productivity, record keeping and setting up the devices regardless of the one you choose to operate.  Software, options, set up and how to find the resources you need to get started.  The session will set context, work through examples and start you on your way with a suite of tools that will help you and your students in the classroom.  Come and explore your device in more detail and find a better way to manage your multiple devices.





Recommended Apple Apps

Recommended Android Apps

Workshop Sharing and Caring Session


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