Case Management Collaboration
Mrs A's Blog
My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning
Capacity Building for Professional Learning: A Collective Intelligence Construct
My workplace is an independent K-12 co-educational college grounded in traditional values. The current professional learning program is underpinned by a performance and development framework developed for the college based on the AITSL documents – Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, 2012b) and the Australian Charter for the […]
A Professional Learning Community – A Personal Reflection
Evaluation of Learning While professional learning is a requirement to keep current in any profession, within education, it is essential in the quest to improve academic achievement and transform schools. Professional learning has been thought of as an individual pursuit within the educational field. However, In recent years schools have realised that there is […]
New Learnings…
I haven’t updated my blog for a while. The main reason – I’ve been extremely busy. My teaching partner (HOD) has been on long service leave for the last term which has left me “in charge” of the department. As a result I was managing more than myself. I realised that we have gotten into […]
2012 is to Be…

I know that I reflected on 2011 last post and I know that we are now a week into 2012 however I really have been spending the week reflecting on my life. Most people who know me well know that the last three years have been really hard. I have struggled both personally, and professionally. […]