I’ve recently been thinking about real life compared to school… This was spurred on by a YouTube clip about learning through games. The tipping point for me was the statement made by James Paul Gee that we trust learning through games more than we trust learning through school. This was explained by the example […]
Mrs A's Blog
My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning
One Device, Two Devices, Three Devices, More!

Managing Multiple devices is not an easy process and on last count I have a crazy 6 mobile devices (iPad 1, iPad 2, iConia A700, iConia A500, Nexus 7 and an iPhone) I use them all every day because they all have a different purpose for me. So how do I manage them. I choose […]
Quiz Me!
Spent some time investigating Online Quiz sites over the last week – for an idea I’m having for differentiated learning… While I haven’t worked out the fine details I thought that I would share what I discovered on Quiz sites. Here are my favourites from my investigation… eQuizShow (http://equizshow.com/) Create and browse quizes. Set out […]
Flippin’ Over…
This year we are being challenged as a staff to take on three goals. One is based on the Strategic Directions, one is a team goal and the other is a personal goal. My personal goal this year has been to Increase my knowledge and challenge my understanding of the flipped classroom to support teachers […]
Where Has the Year Gone?
I know we are only at the end of Term 1, however the last 9 weeks have flown past quicker than a blink of an eye. I feel like I didn’t do anything on my to-do list. What this really means is that I just kept adding to my to-do list instead of tackling the […]