I am often asked how does one keep up with the pace of the online world and make sure that I really am safe online. Reality is – no one can. Every other day we hear a story in the news about another cyber issue we need to keep ourselves and our kids safe from. […]
Mrs A's Blog
My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning
Social media
Have You Checked Your Settings?

Social Media and Facebook in particular are becoming more and more prevalent in day to day life. What I find interesting is that people forget that it is public. Some of the things that they share I’m sure they (adults and children alike) would be embarrassed about. After yet another conversation about private vs public online with […]
Information Overload
I read a lot of blogs. I check in with twitter regularly. I love flipping through Flipboard. I’m always reading books, articles or papers. I read to understand. I read to investigate. I read for my job. Lately I’ve struggled… I’ve struggled to keep up with by blogs. I’ve struggled to keep up […]
Do you Google Yourself?
I was asked this week by a friend if I have ever Googled myself. My response was an easy one. Yes! In fact I Google myself and my kids once a month, in the many variations and nicknames that our names can have. Many of you will think that this is overkill and perhaps it […]
The Internet in a Minute…
I find infographics like this one thought provoking. While I’m not sure the validity of the information in this infographic it did make me think… …not necessarily about the information it contains but rather about what it means for teaching and learning… I just have two questions… 1. How as individuals do we manage this […]