I read a lot of blogs. I check in with twitter regularly. I love flipping through Flipboard. I’m always reading books, articles or papers. I read to understand. I read to investigate. I read for my job. Lately I’ve struggled… I’ve struggled to keep up with by blogs. I’ve struggled to keep up […]
Mrs A's Blog
My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning
Social Networking
#gafesummit My Biggest Takeaway Ever

I have had the opportunity to spend two days at the Brisbane Google Apps for Education Summit. I have learnt so many things which no doubt I will continue to investigate over the next few weeks and months and no doubt will share some of it here. I have had so many ideas with regards […]
Switched On and Connected…
I am a Geek… I don’t hide it… I like my Sci-Fi, I like my computer games, I like my online community and I hate to say it but I have more virtual friends than I do real friends. I like being switched on and connected. As a mother I am raising 3 Geeks – […]
Who the *Tweet* Cares?

Over the course of the last year I have offered many PD sessions on the basics of social networking. My usual focus is on Twitter as this is the social network which I am most inspired by in my teaching practice. These PD sessions run from one-to-one sessions to small groups (3 or 4) to […]
To Share or Not To Share? Is it really a question?
Image by 姒儿喵喵 via Flickr I have been teaching for 6 years plus my 7 years of study (yes I know I took my time!) and during this time I have created many resources. During my second year of uni as I stayed up late one evening trying to find a better way to teach […]