In just over a week the 2019 school year will be starting. This year I am going back to the classroom full time. After 9 years with only having one academic class I’m finding this thought a little bit daunting…
I am looking forward to the year I have six senior subjects and I’m excited to be trying to implement many of the ideas I have had over my career. I’m keen to meet my students and assist them in their journey to the next phase of their lives.
I have spent many years working on how I can personalise my classes. With only one class this is easy – I’m concerned how I’m going to manage this with six classes. My initial thinking and brainstorming has seen me incorporate the following into my initial lessons…
- Each class will have their own check in day where I look at any homework, provide feedback, check learning goals
- I’ve put together my data walls from the information I can find on my students
- Last semesters English, Maths, Business, Economics, Accounting, History results
- Most recent relevant aptitude test results
- Learning Enhancement reports, IEPs, PLPs, EALD lists, gifted assessments
- I’m asking students to complete a survey so I can get to know them a bit better
Would love to hear what you think…