I often walk away from conferences exhausted. My brain is full, ideas are slowly forming, and I usually have a long list of things I want to try or at least research a bit further. I wonder if this is how kids feel at the end of the school day. Exhausted, brain full and a long list of homework…
Today has been no different. I attended the first day of the Future Schools Future Leaders Conference. (If you want to read, my ramblings from the masterclass click HERE)
There were a number of ideas that I connected with…
- The learning Eco system and needing to remember it is extensive (school, home, work, uni, church, library, maker spaces, nature, museums, etc)
- Change the mindset students will lead a life of learning rather than be a lifelong learner
- Creating learning communities instead of just having cells and bells.
- Needing to build from the imagination instead of from the known
- Having permission to innovate
- The reminder that “Together we Grow”
- Personal Based assessment when the student is ready
The following extended my thinking…
- The 6 edges of innovations (youth, Co-teaching/co-learning, time/place, technology, curriculum/assessment and thinking)
- The idea of Place-Based Learning
- Implementing Ipsative (personally based) assessment in the curriculum
- Innovative Thinking Skills
Lastly, I am being challenged by the following – perhaps it just needs more research…
- Where do I learn best… Not at work… I learn best at 3am in the dark by myself and online
- Perhaps school is not the place to learn anymore and we need to be adaptive to this as educators
- The need to do a SAMR Analysis of our teaching staff
- Complete a Digital Distractions Census
- Minecraft possibilities
- Why can’t we have a Genius bar in the back of our classroom?
- Contact Codethefuture.org
Would love to hear your feedback.
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