Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning


2012 the Year that was…

This year was a good year…  A tough year…  however as I reflect back I’m hoping 2013 will be an even better year… At the begining of this year I blogged that… So this year 2012 is going to be my year of PASSION.  I’m finding my passion again.  I’m finding me. I guess the […]

Pen and Paper…. That’s Soooooooooo Last Year…

This is a presentation was given at Expanded Learning Horizons Conference (#ELHSTECH) a few weeks ago as part of a TIM (The Idea Matters) Talk.  After a number of discussions since then I have decided to add the presentation here to continue the conversation. Please be aware that these thoughts are my own based on […]

What Does Best Practice…

There has been a lot of talk lately about best practice in teaching.  As teachers we are always seeking to be the best we can be in the classroom.  We try to implement new technologies, new teaching practices, new pedagogies…  We do many hours of professional reading, attend hours of professional development and develop our […]

Education and Prizes…

As a kid I was fascinated with awards.  I loved to watch all the entertainment awards on TV…  The Oscars, The Academy Awards, The Golden Globes…  I liked the fact that people were rewarded for their hard work and perseverance.  As I got older I started to wonder if other people were recognised for their […]

How Fast will the Future get Here???

I’ve had a number of interesting conversations lately about the past and the future.  Usually stemming from something the people around me have read, seen or heard.  As it was I recently read Maggie Hos-McGrane’s Blog Tech Transformation and the article about being Hyperconnected and Always On.  Now I know that the post was more […]