I am sorry I haven’t posted my findings sooner, however a very significant and wonderful lady in my life passed away and I have needed the time to gather my thoughts and celebrate her lifetime. Last time I looked at Gamification and the research I had found. I have now sort of put into practice […]
Mrs A's Blog
My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning
Interesting How Toddlers Learn…
My youngest child is a few months short of his 3rd birthday and over the last few months I have been fascinated by what he learns each day. I don’t remember my other two children learning the same way however that may just be a result of me being home all day everyday with them […]
Expectations…. Maybe I’m Dreaming….
I’m very proud of my Daughter. She has survived the first term of High School. And has done exceptionally well. Now I know I have a smart kid who loves to learn new things however I was concerned at how she would go when it came to the difference between primary school and high school. […]
How Fast will the Future get Here???
I’ve had a number of interesting conversations lately about the past and the future. Usually stemming from something the people around me have read, seen or heard. As it was I recently read Maggie Hos-McGrane’s Blog Tech Transformation and the article about being Hyperconnected and Always On. Now I know that the post was more […]
The Past or The Future…
My sister and I enjoy a long run every second weekend and afterwards we enjoy a good catchup over coffee and a walk. Today’s conversation was about how my children were going at school and we started talking about the assessment my daughter in Grade Seven is currently working on. The conversation then moved to […]