So the task was to use a digital tool to design, develop and share a visual model showing my personal structure or schema for language learning and teaching through digital and/or Web 2 tools.
I would love to know your thoughts, especially if you are a teacher with EAL/D students.
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As part of my masters research I was required to put my research (see last week’s post) into the use of mobile phones into practice in my classroom. Here is how I applied it…
My Classroom
Teachers often decide to use
technology because it is available or looks “cool” not necessarily because it
is in the best interests of students.
With the need to embrace the smartphone and integrate mobile technology
into the classroom, this essay will discuss the idea of using smartphones in
the classroom using the Technological Pedagogical And Content Knowledge (TPACK)
framework as a method of critically thinking about the issues and implications
of the initiative for the new Queensland Economic General Senior Syllabus. The TPACK framework integrates the three
primary forms of knowledge, Content, Pedagogy and Technology in order to ensure
that there is ‘effective technology integration for pedagogy around specific subject
matter’ (Koehler, 2012).
The relationship between these components of knowledge differs from
context to context (Koehler, 2012).
The context presented for this essay is a large K to 12 private school
on the outskirts of Brisbane, where all students in the Senior Economics course
have access to a smartphone. The focus
for the Economics General Senior Syllabus will be the Modified Markets Unit (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority,
Within the Modified Markets
Students explore the imperfections within markets and
the economic concept that markets do not always deliver socially desirable or
efficient outcomes. They investigate the causes and effects of market failure
and the measures and strategies that may be used to modify markets in attempts
to maximise economic and social well-being.
Various market interventions are evaluated in terms of their
effectiveness in minimising the short- and long-term consequences of markets
not delivering socially optimal outcomes. (Queensland Curriculum and
Assessment Authority, 2018, p. 20)
The content descriptor which
will be the focus is that students will ‘analyse and evaluate government
strategies and/or interventions to address inequality and measures aimed at
alleviating inequality and improving living standards’ (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority,
2018, p. 24). Essentially students need to understand (or
know) the strategies and interventions required to address the market failure
of income inequality while being able to use the skills of analysing and
evaluating. The Economics General Senior
Syllabus identifies Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) skills as
part of the 21st-century skills and attributes ‘students need to
prepare them for higher education, work and engagement in a complex and rapidly
changing world’ (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 2018, p. 5). Ultimately students need to be ‘productive
users of technology’ (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 2018, p. 7).
The initial focus is on the
three primary forms of knowledge, content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and
technology knowledge (Koehler, 2012).
Content Knowledge is the subject matter required from curriculum
documents (Digital Learning Futures, 2010). In the case of
Senior Economics, the content descriptor is that of government strategies and
interventions to address inequality.
Students need to know the eight government strategies which address
inequality and be able to analyse and evaluate their ability to improve living
standards. Pedagogical knowledge looks
at how the students learn best and what strategies and techniques will meet
their needs best (Rodgers, 2018).
The pedagogical strategy utilised with this year eleven cohort is
collaboration or working with others (Luckin, et al., 2012). Being able to collaborate and discuss their
ideas, the students find the concepts more accessible. The digital and non-digital tools available
to use in the classroom or Technological Knowledge will focus on video
presentation tools and the use of the smartphone (Digital
Learning Futures, 2010).
With the primary forms of knowledge set in place, the focus now moves to
where they intersect.
The next tier of the TPACK
Framework identifies how each of the forms of knowledge interacts together to
ensure technology is used with purpose.
Pedagogical Content Knowledge is about ‘understanding the best practices
for teaching specific content to your specific students’ (Rodgers, 2018).
In teaching, how the government addresses the problem of income
inequality students need to discuss what each of the strategies and
interventions are and how they solve inequality and improve living standards. As there are no incorrect answers in
economics, it ultimately comes down to how the answer is justified, having
discussions and asking questions ensures students expand their understanding
and viewpoints. Once they have an
understanding of the concepts, they are then able to analyse and evaluate. From here, Technological Content Knowledge is
considered, as there is a need to understand the technology available to
transform the content and how students interact with it (Rodgers, 2018).
To facilitate the discussions, students will use their smartphones and
record their responses and questions in small groups, using the Flipgrid app (Microsoft, 2019). With eight workstations for the students to
work through, the use of smartphones makes the process more comfortable as they
do not need to lug their notebooks around the room. The Technological Content Knowledge that is
required is how to record and edit a video to include titles and stickers,
along with how to upload the video. The
last interaction is Technological Pedagogical Knowledge, which asks an educator
to understand how to use technology as a means to the desired learning outcomes
and experiences (Rodgers, 2018). By responding using a video discussion
platform students share and discuss the content and also have a way to revisit
the discussions long after the lesson has finished (Microsoft, 2019).
Students also have the opportunity to learn skills that they can apply
to other online video platforms.
The last step is to put it
all together; Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge enables powerful
learning (Digital Learning Futures, 2010). In order to ensure students can ‘analyse and
evaluate government strategies and/or interventions to address inequality and
measures aimed at alleviating inequality and improving living standards’ (Queensland
Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 2018, p. 24) students will work
through eight workstations each focused on a different government
strategy. At each station, students will
review the strategy in small groups by discussing how the strategy aims to
alleviate inequality and improve living standards. They will then record using their smartphones
and the Flipgrid App their analysis and evaluation of the government strategy
along with any questions they have on the topic. Once completed students then have the
opportunity to review the collection of videos on each of the strategies and
respond to their peer’s questions further enhancing their understanding. All students had access to this low-floor,
high-ceiling task allowing everyone to engage and succeed, realising their
potential while contributing to the learning of others (Boaler, 2019).
Utilising the new Senior Economics course and the Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework, a pedagogical approach for implementing the use of smartphones and mobile technology into the classroom has been developed. The result was a low-floor, high-ceiling transformational task that ensured that technology was utilised with purpose and not for the sake of integrating technology.
Boaler, J. (2019,
June 5). Our Teaching Approach. Retrieved from YouCubed:
Caballe, S.,
Xhafa, F., & Barolli, L. (2010). Using Mobile Devices to Support Online
Collaborative Learning. Mobile Information Systems 6, 27-47.
Digital Learning
Futures. (2010). TPACK Model in a Nutshell. Retrieved June 5, 2019,
from Digital Learning Futures:
Ertmer, P. A.
(1999). Addressing First- and Second-Order Barriers to Change: Strategies for
Technology Integration. Educational Technology Research & Development,
47(4), 47-61. doi:10.1007/BF02299597
Furlong, M. J.,
& Christenson, S. L. (2008). Engaging Students at School and With
Learning: A relevant Construct for All Students. Psychology in the
Schools, 45(5), 365-368. doi:10.1002/pits.20302
Grundmeyer, T.,
& Peters, R. (2016). Learning from the Learners: Preparing Future
Teachers to Leverage the Benefits of Laptop Computers. Computers In the
Schools, 33(4), pp. 253-273. doi:10.1080/07380569.2017.1249757
E., & Vetere, F. (2008). A Means of Personalising Learning: Incorporating
old and new literacies in the curriculum with mobile phones. Curriculum
Journal, 19(4), 283-292. doi:10.1080/09585170802509872
Hazel, C. E.,
Vazirabadi, G. E., & Gallagher, J. (2013). Measuring Aspirations,
Belonging, and Productivity in Secondary Students. Psychology in the
Schools, 50(7), 689-704. doi:10.1002/pits.21703
Karaca, F., Can,
G., & Yildirim, S. (2013, October). A Path Model for Technology
Integration Into Elementary School Settings in Turkey. Computers and
Education, 68, 353-365. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2013.05.017
Keengwe, J.,
Schnellert, G., & Jonas, D. (2014). Mobile Phones in Education:
Challenges and Opportunities for Learning. Education and Information
Technologies, 19(2), 441-450. doi:10.1007/s10639-012-9235-7
Khlaif (Doctoral
Student), Z. (2018). Teachers’ Perceptions of Factors Affecting Their
Adoption and Acceptance of Mobile Technology in K-12 Settings. Computers
in the Schools, 35(1), 49-67. doi:10.1080/07380569.2018.1428001
Koehler, M.
(2012, September 24). TPACK Explained. Retrieved June 5, 2019, from
Luckin, R.,
Bligh, B., Manches, A., Ainsworth, S., Crook, C., & Noss, R. (2012,
November). Decoding Learning: The Proof, Promise and Potential of Digital
Education. London: Nesta. Retrieved April 8, 2019
Mahesh, G.,
Jayahari, K., & Bijlani, K. (2016). A Smart Phone Integrated Smart
Classroom. International Conference on Next Generation Mobile
Applications, Services and Technologies (pp. 88-93). Cardiff: IEEE.
Markett, C.,
Arnedillo Sanchez, I., Weber, S., & Tangney, B. (2006). Using short
message service to encourage interactivity in the classroom. Computers
& Education, 46, 280-293.
(2019). Flipgrid. Retrieved May 30, 2019, from Flipgrid:
Mitchell, S.
(2012). Don’t Put Your Phones Away. NATE Classroom, Fall(18), 30-32.
Nikolopoulou, K.
(2018, December). Mobile learning usage and acceptance: perceptions of
secondary school students. Journal of Computers in Education, 5(4),
499-519. doi:10.1007/s40692-018-0127-8
Nouri, J.,
Cerratto-Pargman, T., Eliasson, J., & Ramberg, R. (2013). Exploring the
Challenges of Supporting Collaborative Mobile Learning. In D. Parsons (Ed.), Innovations
in Mobile Educational Technologies and Applications (pp. 178-194).
Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-2139-8.ch013
Curriculum and Assessment Authority. (2018). Economics 2019 v1.1 General
Senior Syllabus. Brisbane: Queensland Government.
Rodgers, D.
(2018, January 19). The TPACK Framework Explained (With Classroom
Examples). Retrieved June 5, 2019, from Schoology Exchange:
Roy Morgan
Research. (2016, August 22). 9 in 10 Aussie teens now have a mobile (and
most are already on to their second or subsequent handset). Retrieved
June 4, 2019, from Roy Morgan Research:
Squire, K., &
Dikkers, S. (2012). Amplifications of learning: Use of Mobile Media Devices
Among Youth. The International Journal of Research into New Media
Technologies, 18(4), 445-464. doi:10.1177/1354856511429646
Thomas, K. M.,
O’Bannon, B. W., & Bolton, N. (2013). Cell Phones in the Classroom:
Teachers’ Perspectives of Inclusion, Benefits, and Barriers. Computers in
the Schools, 30(4), 295-308. doi:10.1080/07380569.2013.844637
Walker, R.
(2013). ‘‘I don’t think I would be where I am right now’’. Pupil perspectives
on using mobile devices for learning. Research in Learning Technology.21. Association for Learning Technology. doi:10.3402/rlt.v21i0.22116
Walsh, S. P.,
White, K. M., & Young, R. M. (2008, February). Over-connected? A
qualitative exploration of the relationship between Australian youth and
their mobile phones. Journal of Adolescence, 31(1), 77-92.
Feel free to share this post on one of your networks...
With all the news about banning phones in schools I feel the need to add my perspective. As part of my masters studies I chose this topic to research and feel the need to share it here… Please feel free to comment your views below.
Ninety-one per cent of
Australian teens have a mobile phone in their pocket (Roy Morgan Research, 2016). Nevertheless, teachers and schools have
historically viewed the mobile phone as a disruption to learning and as a
result, have banned the phone from the classroom (Thomas, O’Bannon, & Bolton, 2013). Mobile phones are no longer just for making
and receiving calls. They have evolved into
smartphones with a large number of applications and increased functionality (Thomas, O’Bannon, & Bolton, 2013). As such, for many students, they have
replaced alarm clocks, cameras, books and diaries with this versatile and
mobile device (Walsh, White, & Young, 2008). Within an educational setting, smartphones
with their ubiquitous access can increase student engagement, motivation and
productivity. However, many teachers are
reluctant to incorporate mobile phone usage into their classrooms due to their
own personal beliefs and lack of agency and capability. Educators must embrace
the smartphone and integrate mobile technology into the classroom.
Engagement is a predominant
factor in a student’s success at school (Hazel, Vazirabadi, & Gallagher, 2013). Students exhibit engagement through their
attendance and active participation in class; this, along with the work that
they complete both in and out of the classroom, determines motivation (Furlong & Christenson, 2008). Technology, in particular, the use of
smartphones, is one area that ‘can improve student engagement, motivation and
productivity’ (Thomas, O’Bannon, & Bolton,
2013, p. 296). According to Nikolopoulou (2018), students themselves
believe that ‘mobile devices improved and fostered their motivation to study’ (p. 503). Walker (2013) also found that
students used many of the features of their smartphones and regularly find ‘creative
ways to employ these features in their schoolwork, both at home and at school’ (p. 11), regardless of
whether the phones were permissible at school or not. Smartphones facilitate many different pedagogical
strategies, including student-centred (Thomas, O’Bannon, & Bolton, 2013), authentic learning (Thomas, O’Bannon, & Bolton, 2013), personalised
learning (Hartnell-Young & Vetere, 2008), student-created
content (Hartnell-Young & Vetere, 2008), collaborative
learning (Nouri, Cerratto-Pargman,
Eliasson, & Ramberg, 2013), differentiation of
instruction (Thomas, O’Bannon, & Bolton, 2013) along with
assessment and reflection (Markett, Arnedillo Sanchez, Weber, & Tangney, 2006). Smartphones ‘have been referred to as the
“Swiss army knife” of technology because they have a growing number of tools’ (Thomas,
O’Bannon, & Bolton, 2013, p. 296). This collection of tools includes ready
access to digital cameras, calculators, video and audio recorders, internet
access, email and numerous apps that are valuable to classroom instruction and
student learning. By having access to
these applications, students want to take responsibility for their learning (Mahesh, Jayahari, & Bijlani, 2016), leading to an
increase in intrinsic motivation. The
use of a smartphone in the classroom allows students to ‘upgrade their
knowledge in any field at anytime’ (Mahesh, Jayahari, & Bijlani, 2016, p. 88). Mobile devices have instant access to the
internet and can consequently respond quickly to learner’s impulses at any time
and in any place (Walker, 2013).
Mobile devices have
developed into high-tech computers with ubiquitous access to a plethora of data
and information anytime, anywhere.
‘Mobile phone users can connect to people worldwide while walking down
the street’ (Keengwe, Schnellert, & Jonas, 2014, p. 443). This ability to access a mobile network to
conduct learning, access information quickly at a time and place which suits
the student ensures that teachers see an improvement in student motivation (Nikolopoulou, 2018) as they no longer
need to wait until they walk into a classroom in order to learn. ‘Today’s school-aged children have grown up
with technology and expect to have it readily available’ (Grundmeyer & Peters, 2016, p. 255). The focus of mobile learning is on
connectivity and convenience, along with the ability to move anywhere (Educause, 2019). This portability extends the traditional
classroom to museums, libraries, art galleries, field trips, parks, or
workshops (Caballe, Xhafa, & Barolli, 2010). Extending this further, students can utilise
their smartphones to talk with experts, study, complete assigned readings,
research, or take notes while travelling on the bus to and from school or
during a lunch break at work, thus empowering them to take ownership of their
learning (Keengwe, Schnellert, & Jonas, 2014). Using smartphones to accomplish ubiquitous,
collaborative learning; ultimately is dependant on both the individual
student’s preference, interest and self-motivation and the willingness for
educators to embrace and integrate mobile learning into the classroom.
Educators are the ultimate
stumbling block to enabling the use of smartphones in the classroom. As second-order barriers, their attitudes to
technology in general, including the smartphone, serve as an obstacle to adoption
(Thomas, O’Bannon, & Bolton, 2013). Teachers are quick to come up with numerous
excuses as to why a new technology will not work in their classrooms (Ertmer, 1999). Whether the new technology is a laptop or a
smartphone, excuses range from legitimate concerns through to irrational fears (Thomas, O’Bannon, & Bolton, 2013). Most of these fears stem from a lack of
confidence and perceived level of competency.
Karaca, Can, and Yildirim (2013) found that an
educators technology competency was ‘the most influential factor explaining
technology integration’ (p. 361). This competency also had an impact on a
teacher’s attitudes and beliefs about the implementation of new technologies (Khlaif (Doctoral Student), 2018). Part of this stems from a teacher’s beliefs
about education, their beliefs about technology and their established classroom
practices, all of which lead to an unwillingness to change (Ertmer, 1999).
While several factors including teaching experience, experience with
smartphones (or technology in general), and time impact these attitudes and
beliefs. If schools can provide teachers
with ongoing support (both principals’ and colleagues’), then teachers are more
likely to develop a positive attitude and belief towards the integration of
smartphones in the classroom (Khlaif (Doctoral Student), 2018). Once an understanding of the reasons why
educators are fearful of implementing new technology in the classroom is
established, along with educators’ beliefs about the role of the smartphone in
the curriculum, strategies such as developing a vision, training, modelling,
obtaining and managing resources can be established (Ertmer, 1999).
There is no choice as an educator not to embrace the smartphone and integrate mobile technology into the classroom. Students today have grown up with ready access to smartphones available in their back pocket. With this ready access, smartphones facilitate pedagogical strategies to engage students and motivate them to investigate their passions. Students are bringing their smartphones to school regardless of the school’s policy, so educators should work with them rather than resisting them. Teachers want students to experience success at school and develop into life long learners. Educators must stop being an obstacle to the adoption of mobile technology. With support from their principals and colleagues, teachers will embrace the Swiss army knife of technology and move to integrate the smartphone into the classroom. In an era where ninety-one per cent of teens have ready access to a mobile phone, its time to stop banning the phone from the classroom.
Boaler, J. (2019,
June 5). Our Teaching Approach. Retrieved from YouCubed:
Caballe, S.,
Xhafa, F., & Barolli, L. (2010). Using Mobile Devices to Support Online
Collaborative Learning. Mobile Information Systems 6, 27-47.
Digital Learning
Futures. (2010). TPACK Model in a Nutshell. Retrieved June 5, 2019,
from Digital Learning Futures:
Ertmer, P. A.
(1999). Addressing First- and Second-Order Barriers to Change: Strategies for
Technology Integration. Educational Technology Research & Development,
47(4), 47-61. doi:10.1007/BF02299597
Furlong, M. J.,
& Christenson, S. L. (2008). Engaging Students at School and With
Learning: A relevant Construct for All Students. Psychology in the
Schools, 45(5), 365-368. doi:10.1002/pits.20302
Grundmeyer, T.,
& Peters, R. (2016). Learning from the Learners: Preparing Future
Teachers to Leverage the Benefits of Laptop Computers. Computers In the
Schools, 33(4), pp. 253-273. doi:10.1080/07380569.2017.1249757
E., & Vetere, F. (2008). A Means of Personalising Learning: Incorporating
old and new literacies in the curriculum with mobile phones. Curriculum
Journal, 19(4), 283-292. doi:10.1080/09585170802509872
Hazel, C. E.,
Vazirabadi, G. E., & Gallagher, J. (2013). Measuring Aspirations,
Belonging, and Productivity in Secondary Students. Psychology in the
Schools, 50(7), 689-704. doi:10.1002/pits.21703
Karaca, F., Can,
G., & Yildirim, S. (2013, October). A Path Model for Technology
Integration Into Elementary School Settings in Turkey. Computers and
Education, 68, 353-365. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2013.05.017
Keengwe, J.,
Schnellert, G., & Jonas, D. (2014). Mobile Phones in Education:
Challenges and Opportunities for Learning. Education and Information
Technologies, 19(2), 441-450. doi:10.1007/s10639-012-9235-7
Khlaif (Doctoral
Student), Z. (2018). Teachers’ Perceptions of Factors Affecting Their
Adoption and Acceptance of Mobile Technology in K-12 Settings. Computers
in the Schools, 35(1), 49-67. doi:10.1080/07380569.2018.1428001
Koehler, M.
(2012, September 24). TPACK Explained. Retrieved June 5, 2019, from
Luckin, R.,
Bligh, B., Manches, A., Ainsworth, S., Crook, C., & Noss, R. (2012,
November). Decoding Learning: The Proof, Promise and Potential of Digital
Education. London: Nesta. Retrieved April 8, 2019
Mahesh, G.,
Jayahari, K., & Bijlani, K. (2016). A Smart Phone Integrated Smart
Classroom. International Conference on Next Generation Mobile
Applications, Services and Technologies (pp. 88-93). Cardiff: IEEE.
Markett, C.,
Arnedillo Sanchez, I., Weber, S., & Tangney, B. (2006). Using short
message service to encourage interactivity in the classroom. Computers
& Education, 46, 280-293.
(2019). Flipgrid. Retrieved May 30, 2019, from Flipgrid:
Mitchell, S.
(2012). Don’t Put Your Phones Away. NATE Classroom, Fall(18), 30-32.
Nikolopoulou, K.
(2018, December). Mobile learning usage and acceptance: perceptions of
secondary school students. Journal of Computers in Education, 5(4),
499-519. doi:10.1007/s40692-018-0127-8
Nouri, J.,
Cerratto-Pargman, T., Eliasson, J., & Ramberg, R. (2013). Exploring the
Challenges of Supporting Collaborative Mobile Learning. In D. Parsons (Ed.), Innovations
in Mobile Educational Technologies and Applications (pp. 178-194).
Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-2139-8.ch013
Curriculum and Assessment Authority. (2018). Economics 2019 v1.1 General
Senior Syllabus. Brisbane: Queensland Government.
Rodgers, D.
(2018, January 19). The TPACK Framework Explained (With Classroom
Examples). Retrieved June 5, 2019, from Schoology Exchange:
Roy Morgan
Research. (2016, August 22). 9 in 10 Aussie teens now have a mobile (and
most are already on to their second or subsequent handset). Retrieved
June 4, 2019, from Roy Morgan Research:
Squire, K., &
Dikkers, S. (2012). Amplifications of learning: Use of Mobile Media Devices
Among Youth. The International Journal of Research into New Media
Technologies, 18(4), 445-464. doi:10.1177/1354856511429646
Thomas, K. M.,
O’Bannon, B. W., & Bolton, N. (2013). Cell Phones in the Classroom:
Teachers’ Perspectives of Inclusion, Benefits, and Barriers. Computers in
the Schools, 30(4), 295-308. doi:10.1080/07380569.2013.844637
Walker, R.
(2013). ‘‘I don’t think I would be where I am right now’’. Pupil perspectives
on using mobile devices for learning. Research in Learning Technology.21. Association for Learning Technology. doi:10.3402/rlt.v21i0.22116
Walsh, S. P.,
White, K. M., & Young, R. M. (2008, February). Over-connected? A
qualitative exploration of the relationship between Australian youth and
their mobile phones. Journal of Adolescence, 31(1), 77-92.
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I’m not quite sure what happened. Term 1 started and now we are just a few short days away from Term 2 starting. It just disappeared. On reflection, it was a hard term. One I was not quite prepared for. I had my ideas of how I was going to personalise my courses I’m just not sure I completely pulled it off…
In some classes I focussed on offering the same information at different reading levels. This worked for topics which had lots of information on a topic. Not so easy on more specialised topics.
In some classes, I focussed on offering the same information in different formats – videos, readings, tutorials, workshops. Again this worked for topics which had lots of information on them but not so much on more specialised topics. Though there was more available if it was a topic that is taught worldwide compared to subject matter only taught in the Australian curriculum. Or if I was looking for an Australian example, i.e. legal studies.
I tried self paced learning in one course. For some students this worked really well for others I am going to have to offer compulsory tutorials for after the holidays as they are so far behind.
I want students to work at their own pace and level so that they can experience success. I just don’t know how, especially in the new Queensland ATAR system. How do I accomplish this? There is such a limited time to cover the curriculum. The depth of the course is fantastic. I’m enjoying both teaching it and watching the students work with it. However, the time it takes to create resources and in some instances teach myself the concepts is eating into the time I would like to spend on personalising learning, offering feedback and working with students who require the additional assistance.
Hoping in the next two days inspiration for the new term hits!
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Critical and Creative Thinking is one
of the general capabilities in the Australian Curriculum. One element is “Generating ideas, possibilities
and actions”. This element involves students
possibilities and connecting ideas
solutions and putting ideas into action.
So, what does this look like in your
Creating new ideas
Connecting two ideas that seem different
Predict what might happen in any given situation
Offer alternatives
Experiment with options when seeking solutions
Putting ideas into action
Test hypothesis’
Connect new ideas to known ideas
Identify cause and effect
Adapt ideas
Predict possibilities
Use imagery, analogies and symbolism to connect ideas
Assess risks
Explain contingencies
Consider a range of perspectives
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