Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning

Out of the Gate and Running….

You may know that I’m a runner.  I have been running since the day that I came 10th in my Year 8 school cross country carnival.  To be honest at the time I had just decided that if I made it to the finish line then it was going to be a good day.  Before then I never really thought about running I just did it when we were made to in PE class.  Anyway…  I always find it interesting every new year as I run my usual running tracks (especially on weekends) that the number of people who are out and about participating in their new found love of running.  Now that we are a month into 2012 the number of people out and about is starting to reduce.  As with any resolution to make it a habit you have to keep working on it…

I feel this way about how we work with any new idea…  I regularly read the Tech Transformation Blog and every so often I read something that makes me think about my habits.  Similar to many of the people on my running tracks I get excited and have that initial drive to do something about it and I’m working on it daily until a hurdle stops me in my tracks…

Ideas never run outThe hurdle this week was stuff…  Like every week things happen…  great ideas, good opportunities, problems which need solving and as like every week you go with the flow you extend the ideas, take up the opportunities and try to solve the problems.  I had a week where I know I did lots of things BUT I feel like I didn’t accomplish anything.  Nor do I feel I worked on my goals for the year.  So I guess you could say this year I’ve started out of the gate running full pelt to hit a brick wall I’m hoping that this is just the effect of week 1 of the school year and next week the great ideas, good opportunities and problems which need solving, lead me back to finding the passion I’m trying to find…

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2012 is to Be…

I know that I reflected on 2011 last post and I know that we are now a week into 2012 however I really have been spending the week reflecting on my life.  Most people who know me well know that the last three years have been really hard.  I have struggled both personally, and professionally.  I’ve spilled many tears and struggled with who I am and what my place is in this wonderful world.  I need to know who I am as a daughter, as a mother, as a sister, as a teacher, as a learner, as an ELF.  So 2012 is about finding out who I am and what I’m about.  I am hoping to post to my blog, this blog at least once a fortnight this year.

My sister gave me a book of sticky notes for Christmas.  I know most of you are thinking why on earth would you be excited by a book of sticky notes?  This book (Quickie Stickies: 100 Pick-Me-Ups for When You’re Feeling Unglued by Karen Salmansohn) had a quote which I have decided will help me find my focus and my passion this year.

“Make sure your BURNING DESIRE is the light at the end of the tunnel.”

So this year 2012 is going to be my year of PASSION.  I’m finding my passion again.  I’m finding me.

I hope that you plan to come on the journey with me but understand if you decide it’s time to jump off the train.

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Year in Review…

As many people seem to be doing at this time of year I thought that I would look back at what has been 2011 for me professionally.


  • School Help Site set up with pages ready to go for the year
  • Successful implementation of the Problem Based Approaches Intel Teach Course
  • Digital Profile Cards
  • Maintained my IB Economics class as well as my ELF Duties
  • Differentiation in my IB Economics class (Each student had a different plan)
  • LOTE conferences
  • PLN Training for staff
  • Multi-Modal Assessment and Class Tasks
  • Problem Based Learning
  • Year 6 Exhibition Workshops
  • Implementation of OneNote in some sections of the school
  • Basketball Tour Site


  • I worked too many weekends
  • I worked too many nights
  • Trying to be someone else
  • Not spending enough time with my family


To the Future…

I have a lot to work on in 2012.    This I need to think about more…

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Dear Friend…

For work at the moment we are reading “Flourish” by Martin Seligman.  The book looks at Positive Psychology and creating your own Happiness.  At the begining of Chapter 2 it recommends that you remember the face of someone who is still alive that did or said something which changed your life for the better.  You are then to write a letter of gratitude to this individual and deliver it in person.  You must then read your letter and discuss the content and the feelings associated with it.

Now I really struggled with this task.  The person who first came to mind was my Mum.  However she passed away over 17 years ago.  The next person who came to mind was my Omie.  Unfortunately my Omie is not doing so well and will likely not let me read the letter to her as most of the time when I visit she cannot remember who I am.  And the last person who comes to mind is a dear friend who now lives in another state.  So my solution is to use modern technology and read the letter over the Internet…

Dear Friend…
I have worked for many, many people in my short and interesting career.  I have experienced many different leadership styles however none of them let me grow and mature into the teacher and person I have now become… quite like you did.  On many occasions you pushed me and prodded me in the right direction.  None more so than the day the ELF job was announced to the staff.  I sat listening to the explanation of the job thinking I MIGHT one day be able to do that job.  That perhaps one day (way into the future) I would get that job.  If you hadn’t leaned forward that day and said “That job is perfect for you JA” I may never have applied.  It was your belief in me that I could in fact do the job that prompted me to take the time to write my application letter.   Before that day I did not believe that I was even a good teacher let alone a great teacher.  Even as I went through the interview process still not 100% believing that I was the right person for the job.  I had even convinced myself that I wouldn’t get the job because there were so many more talented people at school than me.
The affect your belief had on my confidence you may never completely understand.  If I had never applied I would still be happy to teach in my economics classroom and I still would have incorporated all the wonderful technologies that I have discovered however I would not have grown to believe in myself quite the same way.  I would still believe that how I teach is average not exceptional as I am now discovering.  The more people I meet the more I realise that the view I had of myself and my abilities was just so way off base.  For this I need to Thank You.

I am now experiencing so many different things that it is hard to put in down in words.  I am attending many conferences and presenting on everything from PLN’s to Multi-modal Presentations.  I have even been asked to present rather than putting forward a paper and hoping to be selected.  And I am now even proud of myself and my accomplishments.

I remember on nearly a daily basis that day when you leaned forward and said that simple sentence “That job is perfect for you JA”.  I will be forever grateful of the belief you had and still have for me.

Thanking You Forever

Mrs Angell

Will update you in the future how the rest of the book goes…

thank you note for every language

Image by woodleywonderworks via Flickr

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Play-DOH Moments…

I recently was trying to work out ways I could help my Year 12 students to remember their rather complex diagrams in the lead up to their IB final exams.  After thinking about it for awhile I realised that they had the basics of the diagram it was just a matter of remembering the particulars.  So I decided to make playdoh.  The beautiful Kindy Teachers at school helped with the recipe:

2 cups plain flour
4 tablespoons cream of tartar
1 cup of fine salt
1/4 tsp powder paint
2 tablespoons cooking oil
2 cups boiling water

Mix dry ingredients.
Mix oil and water.
Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients.
Mix until dough.
Knead until soft.

What amazed me was the responses from the students.  Some of them had never played with Playdoh before in their lives.  The pure wonderment and awe meant that these students seemed to understand their diagrams so much better.

As with every lesson there is always someone who has to take it that one more step.  The result was an Angry Birds Circular Flow Diagram…  Check out the Birds take on the Pigs in an economy…

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