Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning

How do you Think?

I’ve been reflecting a lot about my teaching since I no longer have my own class.  Every time I investigate a new pedagogy or idea I wonder how I would implement that in my classroom.  This week I’ve been challenged in my thinking about how I think and how my students think…

This is a "thought bubble". It is an...

I think very logically…  A must be followed B.  Which is then followed by C.  There is a step by step guide to everything, even Art and creativity…  Everything follows a flow chart, the more complex the more interesting and challenging.

I remember teaching a young man Economics in 2005 and 2006 who thought very abstractly.  He would grab an idea make sure he completely understood that one idea before randomly grabbing the next idea.  This often meant that he didn’t always fully comprehend what we were looking at.  He thought everything like it was a mind map, filling each branch as he understood it.

I wonder considering I think logically how hard it must have been for those students who do think abstractly.

If I ever have my own classroom again I’m going to challenge myself to teach abstractly for awhile.  See if I can randomly teach concepts to lead to the big picture.

Do you teach/think abstractly or logically?

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Wow…. I Really Do Admire You!

I had the pleasure of spending the day with my sister (@littlemsschull) today.  And as usual she has challenged my way of thinking…  You see we have been through a tough few months of revelations and healing, and while we are a long way off being able to say we are cured (if that is even what you say when dealing with psychological scars) we know we are on the healing path.  I’m proud of my little sister.  She has taken a huge step for her and decided to go back to university to study.  Not only is she going back to study she is going to study counselling.  And this I know is no easy step…

Wow… I Really Do Admire You!

While spending the day with my sister we went to see the stage show Driving Miss Daisy staring Angela Lansbury, James Earl Jones and Boyd Gaines.  The show was amazing…  While I entered with a little understanding of the story line (mainly through conversations with my Omie) and worried that I was decades younger than the average age of the audience, I found the story entertaining, funny and emotional.  At the end of the show my sister and I were reminiscing about how as young girls we watched Angela Lansbury in Murder She Wrote and Bedknobs and Broomsticks.  Realizing that we thought that she was fairly old 20 years ago we were curious as to her current age,  a quick look up of IMDB discovered that she is 87.  This blew me away…  I recently saw my 87 year old Omie (Grandmother) pass away and she was in no way the same shape as Angela Lansbury.  I really do hope that when I reach 87 I have the same energy to be working with such passion…

Wow… I Really Do Admire You!

This week one of my colleagues celebrated working at the same school for 20 years.  In that time she has had many many different roles and each of them has been more diverse than the last.  As I listened to her introduction of accomplishments I couldn’t help but be proud, excited and honored.  I get to work with this wonderful woman everyday.  I learn something new everyday as a result of working with her.  Thank you for teaching me so many new things.  My friend, I hope that when I have been working at our school for 20 years that I have half  the list of accomplishment that you do…

Wow… I Really Do Admire You!

I hope that one day I can be as inspirational as these three great women are to me…


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Finding Balance…

I’m discovering a lot about myself at the moment…  Supposedly this is a good thing…  I’m on an inner journey to find balance…

Mental balance…

Health balance…

Life balance…

Work balance…

Family balance…

Exercise balance…

life-balanceI’m starting with baby steps…  Increasing water intake…  Decreasing cardio…  Increasing strength training…  Eating breakfast…

This has let me to question why it is so hard as an educator to find balance…  We work odd hours all year…  It is very easy to be caught up in marking and planning and teaching…

I then realized why we struggle….  We are passionate…  We do what we do because we care…  Because we love what we do…

So While I love my job and what I do….  This year is about finding balance…



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Young Entrepreneurs…


education (Photo credit: Sean MacEntee)

A good friend of mine has been home for the holidays.  This good friend I see once every three years because of the nature of his work and life choices he has made.  In usual fashion the few times we have seen him over his holiday break we caught up on our life stories while reminiscing over the past.  While social media is shortening the time we take to catch up the last three years, the reminiscing over the past seems to go forever!  (Maybe we are just getting old!)  This time we took a trip down memory lane of our high school years by visiting the school and having a walk around the campus.  And while it was fun to check out our old haunts, discuss memories of all those firsts that you do at high school, the discussion did have a more serious side.

It surprised me to hear that my good friend very nearly didn’t finish high school.  Now if you knew my friend you would know that he is a very successful entrepreneur.  He has come up with many ideas, some of which have come to fruition, some of which have been sold and some of which thank goodness they died way back when!  This discussion has had me thinking a lot.  This discussion hit a nerve in me.  This discussion along with a number of blogs I’ve read lately really has me concerned with how as educators we don’t cater to all students needs.

We educate the students who want to become lawyers, accountants, scientists, teachers, doctors, you get the idea.  We forget that we also educate students who will be singers, dancers, sports men and women, plumbers, carpenters, again you get the idea.  While this group is somewhat educated by us in the basics of literacy and numeracy we neglect to teach them the skills they need to do what they want in their trade.  And this group need to perfect their skills if they are going to succeed at their craft.  The second group we forget to educate are those students who will be entrepreneurs.  This is the group that the current school system (regardless of where in the world you are) is never going to teach them anything.  This is the group of students who know they have all the information they need on the internet.  This is the group of students who when they want to learn something go and learn it without the need of teachers or someone telling them what to do.  These are the group of kids most educators classify as “Up to no good” or “Lazy” or even worse “Will never amount to anything”…  And yes my good friend was labelled all of these things while he was at school.  These are the kids who create their own products and businesses all before they leave school.

These are the kids who need to be given the task to solve a real world problem, told this is your deadline, and told let us know when you need assistance…  Find them a mentor or act as their mentor…  Ask these children to design their own curriculum and their own marking rubrics.  These are the children which will change the world…  The Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and the Mark Zuckerberg‘s of the world…

How can we better cater for these students?  How can we can we give these students the freedom to create their own education?  So that we don’t cause them to feel they need to drop out of high school in order to start their life’s work…


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2012 the Year that was…

This year was a good year…  A tough year…  however as I reflect back I’m hoping 2013 will be an even better year…

At the begining of this year I blogged that…

So this year 2012 is going to be my year of PASSION.  I’m finding my passion again.  I’m finding me.

I guess the question is – Was I successful?


  • School Help Site progressed and I added to the ELF site as well
  • Digital Profile Cards
  • PLN Training for staff
  • Multi-Modal Assessment and Class Tasks
  • Infographics
  • Peer Coaching
  • Problem Based Learning
  • Further Implementation of OneNote
  • Expansion of the Tip of the Week
  • Introduction of Mobile Devices for students with special needs
  • Improving Staff Best Practice using ICT
  • Teaching and Learning with ICT – Practical ideas for using on-board and online tools for each of the 3 schools
  • Creating Mobile Phone apps
  • LOTE conference with @JoeDale
  • Managing Multiple Devices with Staff


  • I still worked too many weekends – the first 6 months I had 1 day a weekend off – need to improve this to every weekend.
  • I worked too many nights – nothing changed here
  • I really should spend more time with my family!

Was I Successful?  Did I find my Passion Again? 





To the Future…

I have a lot to work on in 2013.    This I need to think about more…

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