I often walk away from conferences exhausted. My brain is full, ideas are slowly forming, and I usually have a long list of things I want to try or at least research a bit further. I wonder if this is how kids feel at the end of the school day. Exhausted, brain full and a […]
Mrs A's Blog
My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning
#FutureSchools Day 1
Today was a whole day master class in Teaching Kids to Code. I have dabbled in code in the past. Tried scratch, tried Bits Box, tried various iPad apps, learn to code sites and it just never seemed to make sense. I find drag and drop programming frustrating partly I think because I lose track […]
Personalised Pathways Take 1
2016 was a difficult year. It was one where I have questioned myself on a number of levels including professionally. I have doubted my abilities, and even my career path. I have wondered if after 12 years in the classroom that perhaps it was time to leave. The pressure and the stress got to me. […]
It’s Time to be Cyber Savvy Citizens…
I am often asked how does one keep up with the pace of the online world and make sure that I really am safe online. Reality is – no one can. Every other day we hear a story in the news about another cyber issue we need to keep ourselves and our kids safe from. […]
Learners and Learning
Last year I was at a two day workshop looking at the future of education… One of the first series of questions looked at… Who are you as a learner? What is learning? How do you learn? Define it… This is was my rough as guts response…. Learning is the acquiring of new knowledge or […]