Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning

Gamified World

I’ve not posted for a little while as I’ve been super busy.  I decided to take a Course on Gamification.  And while I thoroughly enjoyed the course it took up a bit more of my time than I thought it would.  However the time spent on it was well worthwhile as I have come away with a […]

Dear Horribly Inefficient Teacher…

This post is in response to a blog post I read a few weeks ago on Betchablog.  I have read this post every day for the last 2 weeks as I tried to find the best way to answer…  This is my response… Dear Horribly Inefficient Teacher, I used to think like you.  When I […]

#gafesummit My Biggest Takeaway Ever

I have had the opportunity to spend two days at the Brisbane Google Apps for Education Summit.  I have learnt so many things which no doubt I will continue to investigate over the next few weeks and months and no doubt will share some of it here.  I have had so many ideas with regards […]

Where Has the Year Gone?

I know we are only at the end of Term 1, however the last 9 weeks have flown past quicker than a blink of an eye. I feel like I didn’t do anything on my to-do list.  What this really means is that I just kept adding to my to-do list instead of tackling the […]

Where am I Supposed to be?

I have always believed that I am where I’m supposed to be… Whether that has been in my personal life or work life… I am at the point I’m supposed to be… I worked hard at high school and got the results I needed to get into the course I was supposed to do at […]