Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning

Sharing is Caring….

Sharing is Caring

Image by Jens Rydén via Flickr

I am a firm believer of sharing resources.  And as a result I have shared all of the resources which I have ever made or used in my teaching career.  Lets face it as teachers we are time poor.  And if there are thousands of teachers around the world who are creating fantastic lessons why should we all reinvent the wheel?  This week I have struggled…  I have struggled to understand why the Teacher Association I belong to is having to discuss the end of its resource sharing magazine.  And we are having to discuss this because we cannot get our members to share their resources.  It saddens me to see that teachers won’t share their resources.  Let’s face it by sharing resources, the resources can only get better as we use the collective teaching experience to make them better.  At the end of the day its our students who would benefit.  Most of us are in teaching to better the kids we teach?

The other reason we are struggling is the whole copyright issue.  Teachers, especially teachers of economics, use copyrighted materials all the time.  And even though for education this isn’t an issue because we are able to use the materials for educational purposes the Teacher Association is not an educational institution.  As a result we cannot publish the materials.

So I guess my question is how do we get more people to share the resources they have created?  I know there are lots of fantastic teachers out there creating fantastic resources.  If all the teachers just shared five resources imagine the lessons we could produce as a result.  And heaven forbid the learning which might occur!!



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