Case Management Collaboration
Mrs A's Blog
My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning
Rationale for Consultation and Collaboration
Teachers are constantly aiming to improve their pedagogy, ultimately to improve student outcomes (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, 2012). In an attempt to improve student outcomes, schools have engaged in school-based consultation. School-based consultation focuses on assisting consultees (usually teachers) to improve knowledge and skills through the use of a consultant (an […]
PKM Routines
I have for years wondered how people find their info, process it and then if worthy share it. Today I read a piece for my current subject at Uni about PKM Routines ( The penny has suddenly dropped. Personal Knowledge Mastery is about how you seek, sense and share what you know. So over the […]
#gafesummit My Biggest Takeaway Ever

I have had the opportunity to spend two days at the Brisbane Google Apps for Education Summit. I have learnt so many things which no doubt I will continue to investigate over the next few weeks and months and no doubt will share some of it here. I have had so many ideas with regards […]
Sharing is Caring….
I am a firm believer of sharing resources. And as a result I have shared all of the resources which I have ever made or used in my teaching career. Lets face it as teachers we are time poor. And if there are thousands of teachers around the world who are creating fantastic lessons why […]