I have for years wondered how people find their info, process it and then if worthy share it. Today I read a piece for my current subject at Uni about PKM Routines (http://jarche.com/2014/03/what-is-your-pkm-routine/). The penny has suddenly dropped.
Personal Knowledge Mastery is about how you seek, sense and share what you know. So over the years, I have narrowed down my way of finding information to the following routine…
Seek – I read through my newsfeeds in Outlook, Twitter and good old Google searches
Sense – I read, notetake, draw and talk through my thoughts in OneNote
Share – when I find a good idea I share through my networks on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and if I have the time I’ll write a blog post.
So below is my first version of my PKM routine! Would love to know what you think!