Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning

How do you Organise YOUR Life?

Smile 12 aI like organisation.  This is no big surprise for those who know me well.  In fact I like organisation so much I’m often asked for advice on organisational skills.  I personally use Microsoft Outlook in order to keep my life in order.  This is partly because I’ve always used Outlook and partly because this is what I use at work.  I like to organise every minute of the day.  I like to categorise every part of my day.  I feel like I am in control when my life is colour coded and organised.  Some people would suggest that this would mean I am OCD and perhaps I am.

Lately I have felt that my organisational skills have been failing me as I’ve been bogged down in email and my to-do list has been getting ever longer and not shorter.  So after doing some thinking and some reading I thought I would share some of my thoughts and findings…


  • Read emails 3 times a day (first thing in the morning, around lunch time and at the end of the day)
  • Read the subject line and first few lines of the email and decide to…
    • Delete it
    • Deal with it
    • Flag for Follow up
    • Make it a Task
  • Spend a set amount of time dealing with the emails you Flagged for Follow up – make it a task or appointment in your calendar
    • Reduce your email to zero or as close to zero as you can (sometimes you are waiting on other people to give a response)


  • Make big tasks into lots of little tasks
  • Categorise your tasks
  • Order the tasks based on importance and urgency
  • Realise that some days you won’t get through as many tasks as you would like


  • Colour Code it by importance
  • Make Appointments out of tasks
  • Over Guestimate the time it will take
  • Take the time to plan out the day

Would love to hear your tips on how you keep your life organised and your inbox close to zero.

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  1. Pingback: Where Has the Year Gone? - MrsA's Blog

  2. Biżuteria Srebrna

    Hi, I have wanted to write about something like this on my own blog and you gave me an idea. It always stimulates me to search for some new blogs and such valuable content as “How do you Organise YOUR Life? – MrsA's Blog”. I am looking forward to your next post. Appreciate your work 😉 PS. Can you recommend any other blogs or websites with the same topics? Cheers, Biżuteria Srebrna

  3. I LOVE to colour code my timetable. I make a massive one each uni semester. It has classes, study time, times I’m working, times I tutor and times I run.

    Each activity is a different colour as I think they’re all equally important.

    I also have my beloved diary which, despite my awesome timetable, life would be a mess without. I have a day by day one. I write my tasks on the day I get them and try and sort them that day, however, if I can’t, it gets carried over to the next day in a form of “See Monday 1st class 1234”. So then I have a whole list of everything that needs doing on the one page.

    As for emails – private ones – I have automatic folders in my hotmail. I can look at the folders, see which ones have emails, know which ones are important and which are spam. Read the important ones and delete the spam. Uni emails – Avoid like the plague! When I check them (eventually) mass delete because all events have passed.

    It keeps my life organised and means I don’t have activities left to the last minutes (most of the time).

    So now the question is – if you’re OCD – what on Earth am I!?

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