Over the course of the last year I have offered many PD sessions on the basics of social networking. My usual focus is on Twitter as this is the social network which I am most inspired by in my teaching practice. These PD sessions run from one-to-one sessions to small groups (3 or 4) to class sized groups and beyond. I know I am no expert when it comes to social networking. And I always start my sessions with…
My Name is @mrsangell and I’m a PLN Junkie…
Who the *Tweet* cares what I have to say?
1019 people on Twitter
690 friends on Facebook
and numerous more on Nings, LinkedIn and Yahoo Groups…
This hooks the really large groups and really small groups… I find it interesting that the take up rate with twitter from people who have never used it before is 100% in the one-to-one sessions then diminishes for the small group and class sized groups and in then increases to around 80% in the really large groups. After an explanation of the WHAT, WHO, WHEN, WHY and HOW of PLN’s we usually set up a twitter account (I’ve found most staffhave the other accounts already) and run through the basics, recommendations anddiscuss how to manage the PLN, and uses in the Classroom and for Professional Learning. I realise that this is a lot to take in when first looking at PLN’s but I feel it is necessary to get people started.
I would love to know how you teach people about Social Networks and what they can do for your teaching.