Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning


Flippin’ Over…

This year we are being challenged as a staff to take on three goals.  One is based on the Strategic Directions, one is a team goal and the other is a personal goal.  My personal goal this year has been to Increase my knowledge and challenge my understanding of the flipped classroom to support teachers […]

Dear Horribly Inefficient Teacher…

This post is in response to a blog post I read a few weeks ago on Betchablog.  I have read this post every day for the last 2 weeks as I tried to find the best way to answer…  This is my response… Dear Horribly Inefficient Teacher, I used to think like you.  When I […]

#gafesummit My Biggest Takeaway Ever

I have had the opportunity to spend two days at the Brisbane Google Apps for Education Summit.  I have learnt so many things which no doubt I will continue to investigate over the next few weeks and months and no doubt will share some of it here.  I have had so many ideas with regards […]

Wow…. I Really Do Admire You!

I had the pleasure of spending the day with my sister (@littlemsschull) today.  And as usual she has challenged my way of thinking…  You see we have been through a tough few months of revelations and healing, and while we are a long way off being able to say we are cured (if that is […]

Thank You Teachers

With it being World Teacher Day on Friday in Australia (26th October) I thought I would reflect back over some of the teachers which stand out in my mind from when I was a student and why this was the case.  I know I haven’t left school all that long ago (97) however I feel […]