Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning


Rationale for Consultation and Collaboration

            Teachers are constantly aiming to improve their pedagogy, ultimately to improve student outcomes (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, 2012). In an attempt to improve student outcomes, schools have engaged in school-based consultation. School-based consultation focuses on assisting consultees (usually teachers) to improve knowledge and skills through the use of a consultant (an […]

Tick Tok Tick Tok

Time… Tick tok tick tok… As educators we seem to always complain that we don’t have enough of it.  Between marking, planning, teaching, administrative work, tutorials, duty, parent meetings, co-curricular, phone calls, meetings, email, observations, professional development… Times 6 (or the number of academic classes you have!) Tick tok tick tok… I often hear the […]

It’s Time to be Cyber Savvy Citizens…

I am often asked how does one keep up with the pace of the online world and make sure that I really am safe online.  Reality is – no one can.  Every other day we hear a story in the news about another cyber issue we need to keep ourselves and our kids safe from.  […]

Have You Checked Your Settings?

Social Media and Facebook in particular are becoming more and more prevalent in day to day life. What I find interesting is that people forget that it is public.  Some of the things that they share I’m sure they (adults and children alike) would be embarrassed about.  After yet another conversation about private vs public online with […]

It’s Hard to be a Kid!

I didn’t realise until the last few weeks just how hard it is to be a kid in High School. I know as an adult I would love to redo high school and with all the knowledge I have now.  Life would have been very different I am sure.  My 13 year old was ill […]