Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning


It’s Hard to be a Kid!

I didn’t realise until the last few weeks just how hard it is to be a kid in High School. I know as an adult I would love to redo high school and with all the knowledge I have now.  Life would have been very different I am sure.  My 13 year old was ill […]

Dear Horribly Inefficient Teacher…

This post is in response to a blog post I read a few weeks ago on Betchablog.  I have read this post every day for the last 2 weeks as I tried to find the best way to answer…  This is my response… Dear Horribly Inefficient Teacher, I used to think like you.  When I […]

If You Don’t Know the Answer…

The only time in your life you need to memorise an answer is at school.  Once you leave school if you don’t know the answer you look it up, you Google it, you ask a colleague, a friend, an expert.  This point has bothered me ever since I took the subject “Business Law” at uni […]

Expectations…. Maybe I’m Dreaming….

I’m very proud of my Daughter.  She has survived the first term of High School.  And has done exceptionally well.  Now I know I have a smart kid who loves to learn new things however I was concerned at how she would go when it came to the difference between primary school and high school.  […]

The Past or The Future…

My sister and I enjoy a long run every second weekend and afterwards we enjoy a good catchup over coffee and a walk.  Today’s conversation was about how my children were going at school and we started talking about the assessment my daughter in Grade Seven is currently working on.  The conversation then moved to […]