This year we are being challenged as a staff to take on three goals. One is based on the Strategic Directions, one is a team goal and the other is a personal goal. My personal goal this year has been to Increase my knowledge and challenge my understanding of the flipped classroom to support teachers […]
Mrs A's Blog
My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning
If I See Another PowerPoint Presentation I’m going to screammmmmmmmmmmmmmm
This is a very dear subject to my heart. As a business and economics teacher I really do hate seeing 28 presentations on a topic which all say the same thing and all look the same. Recently I presented at the Qsite Conference and I was extremely surprised at the number of people who hadn’t […]
Peanut Butter and Lettuce – Who Said They Don’t Mix?
I have just returned from Expanding Learning Horizons (ELH11) where I presented a paper on Problem Based Learning (PBL). I love teaching using PBL as it means I can take a step back and allow the students to take control of their learning. Here is the description of the session… At a time when we […]
Sharing is Caring….
I am a firm believer of sharing resources. And as a result I have shared all of the resources which I have ever made or used in my teaching career. Lets face it as teachers we are time poor. And if there are thousands of teachers around the world who are creating fantastic lessons why […]
McDonalds and Culture in the Same Sentence?
Our Year 6’s are about to study a unit on Culture and among discussions during planning the conversation moved towards what definition or concept of culture were the students going to look at. Being an inquiry based unit the decision was to go with what ever definition the student decided to go with would then […]