Educators try to find ways to make education accessible to all students every day. As a fundamental human right (UN General Assembly, 1948), a one-size-fits-all system does not cater to every child (Consortium for School Networking, 2019). One pedagogical approach is to use personalised learning to ensure the needs of all students are met […]
Mrs A's Blog
My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning
Research Project – The Start of the Journey
Reflection on My Masters Journey My interest in online personalised learning, which is self-paced and differentiated, started when I was an eLearning Facilitator. At the time, my daughter was in Year 8 and became extremely ill. She spent the next few years in and out of hospitals and attended numerous medical appointments as we attempted […]
PKM Routines
I have for years wondered how people find their info, process it and then if worthy share it. Today I read a piece for my current subject at Uni about PKM Routines ( The penny has suddenly dropped. Personal Knowledge Mastery is about how you seek, sense and share what you know. So over the […]
Online Personalised Learning
Is it Possible in a High School Course? Introduction The Universal Declarations of Human Rights states that “everyone has the right to education” (UN General Assembly, 1948, p. Article 26). Schools in their current form are a one size fits all system which does not cater or even allow access to education for every student […]
Term 1, 2019 – Where Did it Go?
I’m not quite sure what happened. Term 1 started and now we are just a few short days away from Term 2 starting. It just disappeared. On reflection, it was a hard term. One I was not quite prepared for. I had my ideas of how I was going to personalise my courses I’m just […]