Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning


End of Year Exhaustion

Well…  I made it… JUST… to the end of the school year… 2013 has been yet another busy and satisfying year. However my question is how do you avoid the end of year exhaustion?   I know I should sleep more and probably not cram so much in…  Would love to hear how others avoid […]

Where am I Supposed to be?

I have always believed that I am where I’m supposed to be… Whether that has been in my personal life or work life… I am at the point I’m supposed to be… I worked hard at high school and got the results I needed to get into the course I was supposed to do at […]

Thank You Teachers

With it being World Teacher Day on Friday in Australia (26th October) I thought I would reflect back over some of the teachers which stand out in my mind from when I was a student and why this was the case.  I know I haven’t left school all that long ago (97) however I feel […]

How Fast will the Future get Here???

I’ve had a number of interesting conversations lately about the past and the future.  Usually stemming from something the people around me have read, seen or heard.  As it was I recently read Maggie Hos-McGrane’s Blog Tech Transformation and the article about being Hyperconnected and Always On.  Now I know that the post was more […]

The Past or The Future…

My sister and I enjoy a long run every second weekend and afterwards we enjoy a good catchup over coffee and a walk.  Today’s conversation was about how my children were going at school and we started talking about the assessment my daughter in Grade Seven is currently working on.  The conversation then moved to […]