Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning


Tick Tok Tick Tok

Time… Tick tok tick tok… As educators we seem to always complain that we don’t have enough of it.  Between marking, planning, teaching, administrative work, tutorials, duty, parent meetings, co-curricular, phone calls, meetings, email, observations, professional development… Times 6 (or the number of academic classes you have!) Tick tok tick tok… I often hear the […]

Information Overload

I read a lot of blogs. I check in with twitter regularly. I love flipping through Flipboard. I’m always reading books, articles or papers.   I read to understand. I read to investigate. I read for my job.   Lately I’ve struggled… I’ve struggled to keep up with by blogs. I’ve struggled to keep up […]

Dear Horribly Inefficient Teacher…

This post is in response to a blog post I read a few weeks ago on Betchablog.  I have read this post every day for the last 2 weeks as I tried to find the best way to answer…  This is my response… Dear Horribly Inefficient Teacher, I used to think like you.  When I […]

Sharing is Caring….

I am a firm believer of sharing resources.  And as a result I have shared all of the resources which I have ever made or used in my teaching career.  Lets face it as teachers we are time poor.  And if there are thousands of teachers around the world who are creating fantastic lessons why […]


There is no other way to explain it.  Our school year starts on Monday that is two days away.  As I sit here in the dark writing, its midnight on Friday night and I can’t sleep.  I can’t sleep because I have never, ever, EVER felt so unprepared for Day One in my teaching life.  […]