Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning

A Professional Learning Community – A Personal Reflection

Evaluation of Learning             While professional learning is a requirement to keep current in any profession, within education, it is essential in the quest to improve academic achievement and transform schools. Professional learning has been thought of as an individual pursuit within the educational field. However, In recent years schools have realised that there is […]

Special Education and Inclusion: The Opportunities and Challenges

Since 2008 the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has made it clear that all people, including those with disabilities, have a right to access an inclusive, quality and free education (UN General Assembly, 2007, Article 24). As a result, the inclusion of students with disabilities into the general education system within […]

Remember How…

After a rocky mock exam period, I have been trying to come up with a way for my students to remember how to answer different style questions in their external exams. This is the idea I have had… Let me know what you think!

Community of Practice

Over the last few years, communities of practice have become the latest thing to be implemented in education. A concept that started as “a social learning system” (Wenger, 2010, p. 179), it has since grown to a “field of knowledge management” (Wenger et al., 2002, p. 5), thus becoming an easy way to share knowledge […]

PKM Routines

I have for years wondered how people find their info, process it and then if worthy share it. Today I read a piece for my current subject at Uni about PKM Routines ( The penny has suddenly dropped. Personal Knowledge Mastery is about how you seek, sense and share what you know. So over the […]