Over the course of the last year I have offered many PD sessions on the basics of social networking. My usual focus is on Twitter as this is the social network which I am most inspired by in my teaching practice. These PD sessions run from one-to-one sessions to small groups (3 or 4) to […]
Mrs A's Blog
My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning
There is no other way to explain it. Our school year starts on Monday that is two days away. As I sit here in the dark writing, its midnight on Friday night and I can’t sleep. I can’t sleep because I have never, ever, EVER felt so unprepared for Day One in my teaching life. […]
We Still Block Content in Schools?
I’ve been spending my summer break catching up on my favourite PodCast Classroom Geeks and even though the episodes I was listening to were from way back in 2009 it was interesting to note that there were discussions occurring about blocked content in schools. When I was next close to my twitter feed I noticed […]
We can do Multiple Videos…. Can’t We?
A colleague of mine (@jmintouch33) commented that she had seen online a site which offered a list of videos which as you clicked on them they played in the ONE Video Player. She went on to say how fantastic it would be if we could do that in our Sharepoint Environment. Some of you may […]
McDonalds and Culture in the Same Sentence?
Our Year 6’s are about to study a unit on Culture and among discussions during planning the conversation moved towards what definition or concept of culture were the students going to look at. Being an inquiry based unit the decision was to go with what ever definition the student decided to go with would then […]