Tick tok tick tok…
As educators we seem to always complain that we don’t have enough of it. Between marking, planning, teaching, administrative work, tutorials, duty, parent meetings, co-curricular, phone calls, meetings, email, observations, professional development…
Times 6 (or the number of academic classes you have!)
Tick tok tick tok…
I often hear the excuse but you only have one academic class those of us with full loads don’t have time to do what you do. I wonder if they realise that I too don’t have “time”.
Tick tok tick tok…
My days are often filled with back to back meetings which involve several items being added to my to do list for each meeting. I would sit in my office to attack this to do list for less time in a timetable cycle than a teacher with a full load. My role includes research, resource development, product testing, student workshops, staff workshops, professional development. And yet I still manage to find the time to complete the things I need to complete for my academic class including the list above. Usually in my own time after hours. My work day is for doing my “day” job, my elf role. Not my classroom teacher role.
Tick tok tick tok…
Part of my job is about finding better ways to teach, better ways to use technology. Why is it when I find a way to make a teachers life easier most don’t want to know. I do understand that to begin with it might be a bit harder there is always a learning curve. However ultimately the job will become easier.
Tick tok tick tok…
Ultimately time is relative. We all have 24 hours in a day and how we choose to spend it is up to each individual. With technology changing the landscape we will always find something else to fill the “free” time.