Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning

The Great Debate – Windows 8

Apologies for such a long time between posts.  2014 took off with such a cracking pace that its the Easter holidays already…

This year has seen the introduction of Windows 8 and Office 2013 at work.  When Windows 7 came along everyone was excited to see a new operating system that just seemed easy to use.  Sure there was the usual similarities and differences between the old and the new.  However people picked Windows 7 up quickly and seamlessly…  Windows 8 is having a polarizing response.  Everyone appears to hate it.

That is except me…

I’m excited…

I love the idea of having everything I want on the start screen easy to access and use…  I realise the pain is setting up Windows 8 however once its done everything is at the tip of your fingers… I can group my apps by ease of use…

The search option seems to search everything – the device, the app store, the internet…

I really do like the ability to snap screens side by side…  OneNote and the internet…

Having an app way of working and a desktop way of working…  While not fully integrated they connect nicely to each other.

I’m guessing that Windows 8 is a matter of personal preference…



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  1. Jmartini

    Dear Mrs Angell, as someone who has a passion for technology, I would like to ask what your stance is in regards to Windows 10 Privacy concerns in terms of keylogging and other invasive activities carried out by the windows platform? Will students be able to opt out? Continue to use Windows 7 or 8?

    • MrsAngell

      I am concerned about the privacy issues surrounding Windows 10. At the end of the day the Technology department (I am not a member of this department) will make the decision all I can do is research and advise.

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