Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning

Have You Checked Your Settings?

Social Media and Facebook in particular are becoming more and more prevalent in day to day life.

What I find interesting is that people forget that it is public.  Some of the things that they share I’m sure they (adults and children alike) would be embarrassed about.  After yet another conversation about private vs public online with friends I feel the need to remind the world that you need to remember even if all your privacy setting are correct what gets posted online stays online – Private or not!

In their defense Facebook is notorious for constantly changing their privacy settings.  The key is to be vigilant.

Here is the easy way to check your settings….
  1. Log into Facebook
  2. Go to Privacy Settings, through the cog at the top right of the page.
    Facebook Settings 1
  3. In Privacy edit each of the settings by clicking on the edit button. (see below for recommendations)
    Facebook Settings 2
  4. Check your timeline and tagging settings by clicking the edit button. (see below for my recommendations)
    Facebook Settings 3
  5. After changing your settings review what other people can see on your timeline by clicking “View As” in the timeline and tagging settings.
    Facebook Settings 4
  6. To change Views select at the top of the page who you want to view the page as.  The default option is “Public”
    Facebook Settings 5


Here are my recommended Privacy Settings and Tools:
Facebook Settings 6
Facebook Settings 7
Here are my recommended Timeline and Tagging Settings:
Facebook Settings 8
Facebook Settings 9
Facebook Settings10
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