Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning

Where am I Supposed to be?

I have always believed that I am where I’m supposed to be…

Whether that has been in my personal life or work life… I am at the point I’m supposed to be…

I worked hard at high school and got the results I needed to get into the course I was supposed to do at uni…  (You know the story behind where I am today)

I had children when I did so that my family was established before I had a career…

I applied for my dream job and got it because that is where I was supposed to be…  And if I didn’t have the skills I wouldn’t have gotten the job – right?

I had decided that I would always be in the classroom teaching – I had no desire to become a Head of Department or Year Level Co-ordinator…

Then the one reason I would cease to teach full time came along…  A chance to facilitate…  To show staff the passion I had for technology and the ways you could change your teaching, change your pedagogy to incorporate all sorts of technology and ways of learning into the classroom…

To be honest when I applied, while I thought that it was my ideal job I did question my ability to do the job…  I had only been teaching for 5 years and while I had the passion I knew the learning curve was going to be a steep one.  However I got the job and I believed that this was where I was, I am, supposed to be…

This week I became lost…  I’m questioning where I’m supposed to be…  This week I lost faith in who I was and the abilities I have…

This has led me to wonder…  Did Steve Jobs ever lose faith?  Has Bill Gates?  Does Julia Gillard question her abilities to run the country when she has a rotten day in parliament?  I wonder how many times other people have lost faith in their own abilities, questioned who they were and where they were…  And how has that affected where they ended up…  Is losing faith in your own abilities something that has to happen in order to succeed?  Is it a way to reflect back and think about the way we do things?

I know that this week I will succeed – I’ll have that one success which will renew my faith in my abilities again…

Until then I will remain deep in thought!

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1 comment

  1. Kaylie

    I think that when we lose our way, when we question if we are who we think we are, when we ask ourselves if we really can do something or if we do have the skills then we are, most definitely in the right place.

    It is so right because it feels so wrong. It teaches us so many new things. Things about our jobs, people around us. even things about ourselves and we need to learn those things to go further in this world. So while it feel so wrong, it is right because we are learning something essential for our future.

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