Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning

We can do Multiple Videos…. Can’t We?

A colleague of mine (@jmintouch33) commented that she had seen online a site which offered a list of videos which as you clicked on them they played in the ONE Video Player.  She went on to say how fantastic it would be if we could do that in our Sharepoint Environment.   Some of you may remember an earlier post where I lamented on being told “Anything I could do on the web I can do in Sharepoint“.  So again I started my search for the answer.  To cut a long story short I found the answer thanks to it is a lot simpler than I thought it would be…

What you need to do is…

  • Create a Document library.
  • Save your Media Files to this directory.
  • Add a content editor web part and add the following code to the Source Editor Section:

<SELECT  id=cancion;  size=1 name=Music> <br>
<OPTION  selected>Please Select the Video you Wish to View</OPTION><br>

<OPTION  value=”URL of Video”> Name </OPTION><br>
<OPTION  value=”URL of Video”> Name </OPTION><br>
<OPTION  value=”URL of Video”> Name </OPTION><br>
<OPTION  value=”URL of Video”> Name </OPTION><br>
<OPTION  value=”URL of Video”> Name </OPTION><br>
<OPTION  value=”URL of Video”> Name </OPTION><br>

<BR> <br>
<OBJECT  id=music height=505 width=640  classid=clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95> <br>
<PARAM  NAME=”AutoStart” VALUE=”true”> <br>

  • You will need to change the URL for each individual Video and add a Name
  • You may need to change the height and width depending on the files you are showing.

And this is the Final Result.

I guess it’s true anything you can do on the web you can do in Sharepoint.

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