Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning


PKM Routines

I have for years wondered how people find their info, process it and then if worthy share it. Today I read a piece for my current subject at Uni about PKM Routines ( The penny has suddenly dropped. Personal Knowledge Mastery is about how you seek, sense and share what you know. So over the […]

End of Year Exhaustion

Well…  I made it… JUST… to the end of the school year… 2013 has been yet another busy and satisfying year. However my question is how do you avoid the end of year exhaustion?   I know I should sleep more and probably not cram so much in…  Would love to hear how others avoid […]

School is a Game… And the Rules have Changed…

I am sorry I haven’t posted my findings sooner, however a very significant and wonderful lady in my life passed away and I have needed the time to gather my thoughts and celebrate her lifetime. Last time I looked at Gamification and the research I had found.  I have now sort of put into practice […]

Switched On and Connected…

I am a Geek…  I don’t hide it…  I like my Sci-Fi, I like my computer games, I like my online community and I hate to say it but I have more virtual friends than I do real friends.  I like being switched on and connected. As a mother I am raising 3 Geeks – […]

Sharing is Caring….

I am a firm believer of sharing resources.  And as a result I have shared all of the resources which I have ever made or used in my teaching career.  Lets face it as teachers we are time poor.  And if there are thousands of teachers around the world who are creating fantastic lessons why […]