Reflection on My Masters Journey My interest in online personalised learning, which is self-paced and differentiated, started when I was an eLearning Facilitator. At the time, my daughter was in Year 8 and became extremely ill. She spent the next few years in and out of hospitals and attended numerous medical appointments as we attempted […]
Mrs A's Blog
My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning
Educators Must Embrace the Smartphone
With all the news about banning phones in schools I feel the need to add my perspective. As part of my masters studies I chose this topic to research and feel the need to share it here… Please feel free to comment your views below. “The phones at the Good Old office”by Hugo Wetterberg is […]
School is a Game… So What are the Rules?
This term I have been investigating the use of Gamification in the classroom with a colleague and while I’m not so sure that we have been successful I definitely have found that the concept is well worth further investigation. The idea behind gamification is that you turn the classwork or course into a game in […]