Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning


We Still Block Content in Schools?

I’ve been spending my summer break catching up on my favourite PodCast Classroom Geeks and even though the episodes I was listening to were from way back in 2009 it was interesting to note that there were discussions occurring about blocked content in schools.  When I was next close to my twitter feed I noticed […]

We can do Multiple Videos…. Can’t We?

A colleague of mine (@jmintouch33) commented that she had seen online a site which offered a list of videos which as you clicked on them they played in the ONE Video Player.  She went on to say how fantastic it would be if we could do that in our Sharepoint Environment.   Some of you may […]

Slideshows Should Be Easy Right?!!!

Where I work we use SharePoint 2007 and I remember when I first started using SharePoint I was told anything you can do on the web you can do in SharePoint.  Well today I found that this was not quiet true.  All I wanted to do was display a picture library as a Slideshow.  Should […]

What Exactly is the Purpose of Education?

This week I have spent my time in primary school planning meetings.  Each of these has started the same way with the teachers being given a copy of the draft National Australian Curriculum.  Each of these meetings has then gone in a very different direction depending on the combination of teachers.  One thing that did […]