Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning


Remember How…

After a rocky mock exam period, I have been trying to come up with a way for my students to remember how to answer different style questions in their external exams. This is the idea I have had… Let me know what you think!

Online Personalised Learning

Is it Possible in a High School Course? Introduction The Universal Declarations of Human Rights states that “everyone has the right to education” (UN General Assembly, 1948, p. Article 26). Schools in their current form are a one size fits all system which does not cater or even allow access to education for every student […]

Welcome to 2020!

2019 disappeared in a blur and in a couple of weeks I will be starting the 2020 school year. This year is going to be an interesting one. My second baby is finishing high school and the journey of being the first cohort through Queensland’s new ATAR system. My workload in 2019 saw me having […]

Using Smartphones in the Classroom

As part of my masters research I was required to put my research (see last week’s post) into the use of mobile phones into practice in my classroom. Here is how I applied it… Teachers often decide to use technology because it is available or looks “cool” not necessarily because it is in the best […]

Educators Must Embrace the Smartphone

With all the news about banning phones in schools I feel the need to add my perspective. As part of my masters studies I chose this topic to research and feel the need to share it here… Please feel free to comment your views below. “The phones at the Good Old office”by Hugo Wetterberg is […]