Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning


Online Personalised Learning In Secondary Schools

            Educators try to find ways to make education accessible to all students every day. As a fundamental human right (UN General Assembly, 1948), a one-size-fits-all system does not cater to every child (Consortium for School Networking, 2019). One pedagogical approach is to use personalised learning to ensure the needs of all students are met […]

Research Project – The Start of the Journey

Reflection on My Masters Journey My interest in online personalised learning, which is self-paced and differentiated, started when I was an eLearning Facilitator. At the time, my daughter was in Year 8 and became extremely ill. She spent the next few years in and out of hospitals and attended numerous medical appointments as we attempted […]

Capacity Building for Professional Learning: A Collective Intelligence Construct

My workplace is an independent K-12 co-educational college grounded in traditional values. The current professional learning program is underpinned by a performance and development framework developed for the college based on the AITSL documents – Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, 2012b) and the Australian Charter for the […]

Special Education and Inclusion: The Opportunities and Challenges

Since 2008 the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has made it clear that all people, including those with disabilities, have a right to access an inclusive, quality and free education (UN General Assembly, 2007, Article 24). As a result, the inclusion of students with disabilities into the general education system within […]

Community of Practice

Over the last few years, communities of practice have become the latest thing to be implemented in education. A concept that started as “a social learning system” (Wenger, 2010, p. 179), it has since grown to a “field of knowledge management” (Wenger et al., 2002, p. 5), thus becoming an easy way to share knowledge […]