Mrs A's Blog

My Rambling Thoughts on Teaching and Learning


Wow…. I Really Do Admire You!

I had the pleasure of spending the day with my sister (@littlemsschull) today.  And as usual she has challenged my way of thinking…  You see we have been through a tough few months of revelations and healing, and while we are a long way off being able to say we are cured (if that is […]

So YOU want to be a TEACHER!

I decided at some point that I wanted to be a teacher.  I’m not really sure why I decided to be a teacher BUT that is what I wanted to do.  My Dad sadly didn’t agree.  I came home from school in Year 9 after my first Business Studies class and told my parents that […]

Out of the Gate and Running….

You may know that I’m a runner.  I have been running since the day that I came 10th in my Year 8 school cross country carnival.  To be honest at the time I had just decided that if I made it to the finish line then it was going to be a good day.  Before […]

2012 is to Be…

I know that I reflected on 2011 last post and I know that we are now a week into 2012 however I really have been spending the week reflecting on my life.  Most people who know me well know that the last three years have been really hard.  I have struggled both personally, and professionally.  […]